Well we got to have our first 3 day weekend and it was quite enjoyable after the long excursion. It was also very successful in the sense that I did everything I set out to do. But a little less successful in the amount I did. To summarize my weekend, I slept, ate, and slept some more. Friday I went to the KaDeWe which is a giant department store that sells anything and everything. I managed to avoid most of my impulses to swipe the Visa except for a sketchbook and some pencils that were too good to pass up. Saturday I went to an American Restaurant entitled Route 66 with some students and teachers and enjoyed most of the US soccer game (R.I.P.). And Sunday we went to an architecture gallery then a flea market before I cooked myself a good ole buttery grilled cheese for dinner. But let me get to the excitement of the weekend. Saturday I hand to give in to my addiction and traveled halfway across the city to satisfy my fix. That fix, cupcakes.
I luckily found a highly renowned cupcakery through the sight spottedbylocals.com and quickly plotted my route. Some walking and two U Bahn stops later I was standing outside Cupcake Berlin (above). I must say I usually prefer catchy, trendy names to restaurants, bakeries, etc... but in a city where most words are between 8 and 10 syllables, this was quite comforting. The place was run by a man that more closely resembled an American biker than a cupcake chef. His arms were covered in tattoos. His head was bald with an intimidating goatee. Yet the walls were pink and he was asking which cupcake(s) I would like. Weird experience...After some strenuous efforts, I settled for the Cookies and Cream (left) and The King (right). And I must say these were well worth the trek. I'm saying these were so good I felt a little wrong eating them. It was one of those things that I just wanted to last forever. But like all good things it was over before I knew what happened and I was left with a big chocolaty mess all over my kitchen table and nothing more to show for it. Needless to say, I'll be paying this biker gentleman another visit in the coming week.
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